Sunday, June 12, 2011

Entry #1 - Overview

This is a catharsis blog... straight up.

And despite the bright colors and fun fonts, this is a place for the evil in me to manifest itself. I'm not here to make any friends or sugar coat my feelings. Here is where the proverbial pot will boil over, spilling hatred, frustration and pure wickedness in all the most horrific colors you can possibly imagine.

If you are reading this and you are someone I know and love, tread carefully. You have been warned, and I'm not kidding about this. Stop now and go away. I don't want to carry these negative feelings around and possibly explode on someone... So, this will not be a kind blog. It was created to blow off steam and spare others the pain. Ideally, no one will read this. I am simply using this cyberspace to alleviate some anger, frustration and tension. I will use whatever foul language I deem necessary, no holds barred. Whether the statements you find here are true or not makes no difference. Steam does not always come out in a rational, honest, or mature way.

That said, I will again stress that this blog is in no way meant to hurt anyone. If you read this and are hurt, I am sorry, but you probably should have left a while ago. These are only my feelings and opinions and we all know what those amount to... squat. Feelings and opinions change with time so just because I said it here today, doesn't mean I will feel the same tomorrow.

This is my personal garbage dump.

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